February Special: 4 Sweaters for the price of 3


Supporting Our Community In Buffalo, NY

We Work to Connect Our Customers to Our Community

community posterKeep from the Landfill, Give to Fulfill. Our program is a partnership between the Living Opportunities of DePaul and local dry cleaners designed to help those who are in need, promoting recycle, reuse and repurpose.

The Living Opportunities of Depaul, Inc. is a not- for-profit organization that provides secure, recovery-oriented living environments for individuals with psychiatric disabilities. The organization is committed to assisting its clientele in living, meaningful, productive lives by providing flexible supports in a person-centered atmosphere. Residents of all program learn the skills necessary to live independently.

We are accepting clothing for all seasons. We are also collecting household items including bedding, draperies and area rugs. Donations can be made at all 7 store locations. GI-RO provides complimentary cleaning and then donates to those in need.

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